Hi, I am Natasha Winnard.
I provide support and guidance for mobile families.

About me
I’m an International Youth Empowerment Consultant fuelled by my passion for helping as many young people as possible to thrive.
I was born, raised and educated in the UK. For over 25 years I have worked with globally mobile children, young people and their families in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.
A little bit of history
Professional experience
I have worked with amazing children, young people, families and educators for more than 25 years as an international educator, K-12 (3-18 years) guidance (pastoral care), safeguarding lead, college, university and future pathways counsellor, mentor and volunteer in schools and communities in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Alongside my work with globally mobile students and families, I provides guidance, support and training to the next generation of international school educators and counsellors as a Counselors Training Center (CTC) mental health and well-being course facilitator and regularly writes articles for educators and global families for The International Educator (TIE) and on my website blog.
Educational background
- UCL Institute of Education Masters in Education and International Development (2024-26).
- UCL First Class Degree, BA (Hons) Geography.
- Post Graduate Certificate in Secondary Education (PGCE).
- Counselors Training Centre (CTC) Certificate of International School Counseling.
- Lehigh University Certificate in International Counseling.
- UCLA Extension Certificate in Counseling International Students.
- Institute of Counselling, UK Diploma in Youth Counselling and Certificate in Mentoring.
Child Protection Credentials
I have an Enhanced DBS (UK) Criminal Check Certificate. This DBS Enhanced Criminal Check is an internationally recognised certificate that means that I am safe to work with young people.
I joined the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Child Protection Team in 2013 as one of the international professionals who worked on the AISA Child Protection Handbook for international school teachers, administrators and board members. From 2015-17, I was appointed to the role of AISA Child Protection Working Group Coordinator. In this role, I worked with members of the AISA Team Child Protection Working Group which facilitated workshops for international school educators and administrators in Africa and with the Council of International School (CIS)’s International Task Force on Child Protection (ITFCP)
During the same time, I was the person responsible for the development, implementation and review of Khartoum International Community School’s child protection policy in order to ensure that the school had in place the best international practices with regard to child protection. I was also responsible for staff and faculty Child Protection training and the K-12 (3-18 year olds) Child Protection Curriculum facilitator.
Since then I have supported the work of the Child Protection Team at Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I annually refresh and update my child protection learning through Educare online training for safeguarding young people.

How can I help you?
Finding it difficult to guide your teenage child in an international school? Perhaps your family has moved to a different country and you feel overwhelmed? There are many ways I can assist you.
Supporting educational opportunities for vulnerable young people
I commit 50% of my working life to empower young people in vulnerable communities, specifically widening access to educational opportunities for all young people around the world. For every online session booked I donate one free session to a young person in a vulnerable community.

Why donate 50% of my time?
Ongoing educational initiatives

Rocinha Creative English
The Rocinha Creative English initiative was created in 2019 to provide face to face and remote English language and creative learning activities for teenagers in Rio de Janeiro’s favela community.
Sinal Das Crianças
In 2021 I established a strong and collaborative relationship with Sinal do Vale to provide exciting enrichment learning experiences for the Rocinha Creative English initiative teenagers in nature. Sinal do Vale is located in the Atlantic rainforest close to Rio de Janeiro.

Building a caring and capable support network can be the difference between surviving and thriving overseas.
— Natasha Winnard